Sunday, June 14, 2009

Telling the story of the lost?

Finally- I finished one of the recent paintings I've been working on :) Currently I have 5 works in progress! This one is 9" x 11", crayon and oil on canvas and called "Lost Connection". I actually started it a few months ago, and began working on it again recently. I want to go back to integrating more of my symbolic makeup designs and jewelry into my paintings, so this was a start to that idea. I was looking at this piece today, trying to think of a name and ended up figuring out what was going on symbolically in the piece. My art has always worked this way for me...I create entirely driven on instinct and feeling. Then once I live with the painting for a while, I figure out what it was really all about and why I made it the way I did. For this one, when I was painting it I sort of felt like her necklace was a tight collar/choker, then when looking at it today, I saw that it sort of extends and attaches her to the unknown. Then there is the city...very far in the distance. Thus "Lost Connection" is what I named my painting, but read into it what you like :)
This is a piece I started the other night working at a friend's studio and listening to the Smiths and Siouxsie :) So far, it's just the crayon sketch. I had to use a lighter-colored masonite board I got from the home depot in Hollywood. Apparently the state of California does not have dark masonite and it's also against the law for them to cut it for me too....very strange! So that has hindered my masonite works, while at RISD I was able to create life-size ( or any size) drawings on it. I admit I miss the RISD store! Anyways- I did this, looked at it, and I now see a theme in all my recent works; I think this is my "lost girls" period...heh.

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